Education in Turkey

Education in Turkey has become one of the elements that are being carried to a higher quality point every day. Education in Turkey, which is very valuable for young people to plan a more successful future, is one of the issues that new investors pay the most attention to. Therefore, Turkey’s success in the education system causes new investors to come to Turkey.
If you are an entrepreneur who wants to invest in Turkey, you should know that the education system meets international standards. You can choose Turkey with peace of mind in order to eliminate your doubts about education and build a better quality future.
Levels of Education in Turkey
In the Turkish education system, the Ministry of National Education carries out the education system of Turkey. In addition, responsibility for the levels after secondary education is at the Higher Education Institution. The levels of the Turkish education system are as follows:
- Pre-school education
- Primary
- Secondary
- Higher Education
Pre-School Education
It is an optional education for children between the ages of 2 and 6 who have not reached the age of compulsory primary education. The most basic purpose of preschool education is to contribute to the mental, sensory and physical development of children. All institutions providing education in this field are affiliated with the Ministry of National Education.
Primary education, which includes primary and secondary school, is compulsory education. Children are required to start primary education at the age of 69 months. Primary education consists of 4 years of primary school and 4 years of secondary school education. The main purpose of primary education, which is provided free of charge, is to provide children with basic knowledge, behavior, skills, and habits to become good citizens.
Secondary Education
The transition to secondary education, which refers to high school education, is carried out through exams. Secondary education includes all general, vocational, and technical educational institutions that provide at least four years of compulsory, formal, or non-formal education based on primary education.
Objectives and tasks of secondary education; in accordance with the general objectives and basic principles of National Education,
- To give all students a common general culture at the secondary education level at a minimum, to give them the awareness and strength to recognize the problems of people and society, to seek solutions, and to contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of the country,
- To prepare students for higher education or life and business fields in accordance with their interest, occupation, and abilities with various programs and schools. Fulfilling these tasks, a balance is maintained between the wishes and abilities of students and the needs of society.
Higher Education
Higher education includes all educational institutions that provide at least two years of higher education based on secondary education. Higher education has various goals and tasks, in accordance with the general goals and basic principles of national education. Educating students in accordance with the scientific policy of our country and the needs of society at a high level and at various levels of manpower is the most basic goal of higher education to the extent and in accordance with their interests, occupation, and abilities.
The Quality of Education in Turkey
The number of students who want to study in Turkey is increasing every day. Turkey, which has raised its education standards in almost every sense from primary school level to university level, manages to make its name mentioned with its special options. It is necessary to say that the universities included in the list of the best universities in the world, as well as educational institutions, have made serious technological progress.
It has managed to reach very high standards in Turkey. As an investor in Turkey who has reached high standards by using the educational aspect that attracts investors, you can also get the chance to take advantage of the most special options.
Besides the fact that education is very successful in Turkey, the fact that education is offered for free is also one of the main reasons why investors prefer education in Turkey. The education that investors prefer for both themselves and their family members in Turkey has managed to go beyond expectations. At this point, enrolling in an educational institution in Turkey will achieve efficiency beyond your expectations.
If you want to raise expectations about education to the highest standards, you should definitely choose to make an investment decision in Turkey.
Who Can Study in Turkey?
If you think that you are among the individuals who want to study in Turkey, you may be wondering what kind of process you will face at this point. At this point, it should be noted right away that you do not need to be a Turkish citizen to study in Turkey. You can come to Turkey as a student to take advantage of the quality of education. In addition, you can be one of the family members of investors who came to Turkey with an investment.
If you are wondering why I should invest in Turkey, the answer is quite simple! There are many valuable aspects of investing in Turkey and working here. Both becoming a Turkish citizen and taking advantage of free education in Turkey will be great options for you.
For the privileges and much more that you will get by investing in Turkey, you should contact us and take action to have a quality experience. This will be a very special option that will actually make it meaningful for you to invest in Turkey!