Things to Know Before Moving to Turkey

Moving to Turkey is a very special dream for many foreigners. Because Turkey attracts attention as one of the most interesting countries both culturally and economically. Before starting to live in Turkey, which is a country of interest for foreigners in these aspects, it is necessary to complete many details. In this context, it is important to list what needs to be known before moving to Turkey.
If you want to move to Turkey as a foreigner, you should first consider the specific details from each other. In this guide prepared for you, you will be able to find out what you need to know before moving to Turkey.
Make Your Financial Planning
Turkey is a country that is economically stable and prices are more affordable compared to European countries. However, starting to live in Turkey without financial planning will cause serious problems. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate how much financial power you need to have to live in Turkey. In this way, it is possible to have a more comfortable life and to move your living standards to the best point.
Buy or Rent Real Estate
It should be remembered that you need real estate to live in Turkey. Within this framework, you need to buy or rent real estate. If you want to move to Turkey permanently, buying real estate will be advantageous in every sense. Because the citizenship opportunities offered for those who invest in real estate, as well as affordable real estate, are very interesting. Therefore, it will be very advantageous for you to act by deciding how to make an investment.
Make Plans to Move Your Belongings
When you want to move to Turkey, it will be out of the question to just pack your bags and get on the plane. Within this framework, you need to plan for moving your household items as well. Some investors try a different method because they don’t want to completely empty their homes in their own country. This is also the purchase of new items from Turkey. Buying new goods is quite advantageous for investors who are going to move to Turkey. You, too, can achieve perfection by choosing the ideal option in this regard!
Bringing Your Car to Turkey
One of the most important issues for living in Turkey is to bring your motor vehicle. There are certain conditions for using your car registered in your country of residence in Turkey. But for many foreigners, it is considered a more comfortable option to go abroad 1 in 6 months instead of trying these complex methods. In addition, buying or renting a car in Turkey is also considered an advantageous option.
Medical Insurance and Residence Permit
Investors who want to move to Turkey must stay in Turkey for up to 90 days with their passports. But it is necessary to state that a residence permit should be obtained for a longer term of life. In this context, it is likely to achieve a successful result by following the necessary procedure in Turkey. When applying for a residence permit, it is possible to continue living in Turkey with a 1-2-year permit.
As for health insurance, foreigners who come with a visa are required to request this service from private companies. It is necessary to state that foreigners who have obtained a residence permit in Turkey have special opportunities to benefit from the health system.
School Planning for Children
Foreigners who want to move to Turkey are not always elderly people. For this reason, foreigners who want to plan education for their children have 2 different options, private school, and public school. Therefore, it is necessary to dwell on which alternative is preferable. It is necessary to state that the education system in Turkey is very good and that perfect education planning has been carried out for children. In this context, you can make a choice between educational institutions in the city you plan to live in.
Working in Turkey
If you want to live in Turkey, you should also evaluate the opportunities for business opportunities and career planning. It is easy for a foreigner to find a job in Turkey. In particular, a qualified person can work in a qualified job in Turkey. In Turkey, where it is possible to work in good positions thanks to a foreign language, you can also find a job that suits your characteristics. Considering that you can capture the privileges of a foreign language in every sense, it will be quite advantageous to work in Turkey.
Learning Turkish
One of the most ideal aspects of living in Turkey is to integrate into Turkish culture in a simple way. Because Turkey is a country where warm-blooded people are very busy. Moreover, a foreigner who speaks Turkish is welcomed more sincerely and cordially. Therefore, you need to learn Turkish in order to facilitate daily life and interact better with people. You should already know that you will learn Turkish soon after you settle in Turkey.
Turkish Culture and Cuisine
Turkish culture is one of the most important topics that you should know and learn about before moving to Turkey. Although a very large part of the population in Turkey is Muslim, it is approached with tolerance towards people belonging to different religions and races. For this reason, it is necessary to express that people are embracing culture. On the other hand, you should also know that people attach great importance to food culture. Already Turkish cuisine is very well known in the world for its different flavors.
Considering all this information and issues, it is important that you move to Turkey in order to achieve a perfect result. In this regard, you should make sure that you are ready for this before you come to Turkey.