Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program

September 23, 2024

Turkey has become one of the most popular destinations for investors seeking a second citizenship. The country’s strategic location, rich culture, and growing economy make it an attractive option for those looking to expand their horizons. One of the easiest ways to obtain Turkish citizenship is through the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP). Below is a comprehensive guide detailing the requirements, benefits, and application process.

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The Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program offers a streamlined pathway for foreign investors to obtain Turkish citizenship by making qualifying investments in the country. Launched in 2017, the program requires a minimum investment of $400,000 in real estate or $500,000 in government bonds, capital investment, or job creation. Investors are not required to reside in Turkey, and the application process typically takes 3-6 months. Turkish citizenship provides numerous benefits, including visa-free travel to over 110 countries, dual citizenship, and access to Turkey’s growing economy, making it an attractive option for global investors.

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1. Visa-Free Travel to Over 110 Countries

One of the major benefits of obtaining Turkish citizenship is the access it provides to visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to more than 110 countries. Some of the key destinations include Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea. While Türkiye is not yet part of the European Union, it has a Customs Union agreement with the EU, and there are ongoing negotiations to expand visa-free travel across Europe. This extensive travel freedom is highly valuable for businesspeople and frequent travelers looking for global mobility.

2. No Residency Requirement

Unlike many other citizenship programs, the Türkiye CIP does not require applicants to live in the country either before or after obtaining citizenship. This is a significant advantage for those who wish to maintain their current lifestyle and residence elsewhere, while still enjoying the benefits of Turkish citizenship. Investors are free to continue living in their home country or anywhere else in the world.

3. Dual Citizenship Allowed

Türkiye allows dual citizenship, meaning that investors can hold both Turkish citizenship and the citizenship of their home country. This flexibility enables individuals to retain their original nationality while gaining the benefits of a Turkish passport, such as enhanced travel options and access to Türkiye’s growing economy. There is no requirement to renounce your current citizenship, making it easier for applicants to diversify their global presence.

4. A Strategic Location Between East and West

Türkiye’s strategic location, straddling both Europe and Asia, offers significant advantages for global investors. As a gateway between the East and West, Türkiye provides easy access to both the European Union and the Middle East. Its geographic location makes it a central hub for international trade, transport, and business, and it boasts a rapidly growing economy driven by key sectors such as tourism, real estate, and manufacturing.

5. Diverse Investment Options

The Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program offers a range of investment options to suit different preferences. The most popular route is real estate, with a minimum investment of $400,000. Investors can also choose to make a $500,000 deposit in a Turkish bank, invest in government bonds, or create jobs for Turkish citizens by starting a business. This flexibility allows individuals to select the option that best aligns with their financial goals and long-term plans.

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6. Fast and Efficient Process

The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship through the CIP is relatively fast, with applications typically approved within 3 to 6 months. The program is known for its streamlined procedures and minimal bureaucratic hurdles. After making the qualifying investment, investors can apply for Turkish citizenship and receive their passport in a matter of months, allowing them to enjoy the program’s benefits quickly.

7. Access to Türkiye’s Growing Economy

Türkiye is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, driven by a youthful population, dynamic industries, and a thriving real estate market. As a Turkish citizen, investors gain access to various business opportunities in the country’s expanding economy. Sectors such as tourism, technology, construction, and manufacturing continue to attract foreign investment, offering significant potential for financial growth.

8. A Lower Cost of Living

Compared to many Western countries, Türkiye offers a lower cost of living while maintaining a high quality of life. The country boasts excellent healthcare facilities, international schools, and a wide array of lifestyle amenities. Turkish citizens can enjoy affordable healthcare and education, making it a favorable destination for families seeking a better quality of life without the high expenses associated with other countries.

9. Citizenship for the Whole Family

One of the most compelling aspects of the Turkish CIP is that it allows applicants to extend citizenship to their family members. A single investment can grant citizenship not only to the primary investor but also to their spouse and children under 18. This makes the program an attractive option for families looking to secure a better future with more global opportunities.

10. A Cultural and Lifestyle Hub

Beyond the financial and practical advantages, Türkiye offers an incredibly rich cultural heritage and a vibrant lifestyle. From the cosmopolitan energy of Istanbul to the serene beaches of the Mediterranean coast, Türkiye provides a unique blend of modernity and tradition. Turkish citizens can enjoy the country’s natural beauty, diverse cuisine, and historical landmarks, making it an ideal place for leisure and living.

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The Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) has gained popularity among foreign investors seeking a second citizenship due to its streamlined process and flexible investment options. Since its launch in 2017, Turkey has been offering individuals the opportunity to obtain citizenship by making a qualifying investment in the country. Here are the requirements you need to meet to benefit from this programme;

1. Investment Requirements

To qualify for Turkish citizenship through the investment programme, applicants must meet one of the following investment criteria.

Property Investment: The most popular option is to invest at least $400,000 in residential or commercial property in Turkey. Multiple properties can be purchased to meet this requirement and the investor must hold the property for at least three years. The Turkish government allows investors to rent the property or use it as a secondary residence during the holding period.

Capital Investment: Investors can make a capital investment of at least $500,000 as a fixed deposit in a Turkish bank or through Turkish financial instruments. Funds must remain with the bank for at least three years.

Government Bonds: Another option is to invest $500,000 in government bonds issued by the Turkish government. Like other investment options, these bonds must be held for at least three years.

Job Creation: Applicants can obtain citizenship by creating employment for at least 50 Turkish citizens. This pathway requires establishing a business that meets certain criteria, including employing Turkish citizens on a long-term basis.

Venture Capital Investment: Another lesser-known option is to invest $500,000 in a venture capital investment fund or real estate investment trust (REIT) approved by the Turkish government.

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One key requirement of the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program is the three-year holding period for investments. Regardless of the chosen investment route—whether real estate, capital deposits, or government bonds—the investment must be retained for a minimum of three years. During this time, the Turkish government ensures that the funds are not withdrawn or the properties sold before the holding period expires.

Applicants must undergo background checks as part of the application process. This involves providing proof of legal income, financial records, and demonstrating that the funds used for the investment were obtained legally. Although Türkiye does not impose the strictest due diligence requirements compared to some other countries, it still requires applicants to pass certain security and legal checks before granting citizenship.

Before submitting the citizenship application, applicants must first obtain a residence permit. However, there is no requirement to live in Türkiye during or after the citizenship process. The residence permit serves primarily as a formality, and it can be obtained quickly once the investment is made. Applicants can apply for citizenship immediately after securing the residence permit.

The application process for Turkish citizenship requires several key documents, including:

  • Valid passport and copies
  • Proof of investment (title deed, bank receipt, or business documentation)
  • Proof of legal income or source of funds
  • Birth certificates of the applicant and family members
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Police clearance certificate from your country of origin and residence
  • Residence permit from Türkiye
  • Recent biometric photos
  • Completed citizenship application forms
  • All documents must be translated into Turkish and notarized before submission.
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Once all the requirements are met, and the investment is made, the application process typically takes between 3 to 6 months. During this time, Turkish authorities will verify the investment and perform background checks. After approval, the applicant, along with their spouse and children under 18, can receive Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport.

The Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program allows the primary applicant to include their immediate family in the application. This means that an investor’s spouse and children under 18 are also eligible to receive Turkish citizenship without making separate investments. Children over the age of 18 would need to apply independently if they wish to obtain Turkish citizenship.

Türkiye allows dual citizenship, meaning that applicants do not have to renounce their original nationality. This is a significant advantage for investors who wish to maintain their current citizenship while benefiting from the rights and privileges of Turkish citizenship. Before applying, however, investors should check with their home country’s laws on dual citizenship to ensure they are compliant.

9. Tax Considerations

It’s important to understand the tax implications of Turkish citizenship. While Türkiye taxes worldwide income for residents, non-residents are taxed only on income earned within the country. There are also double taxation agreements between Türkiye and many countries to prevent citizens from being taxed twice on the same income. Consulting a tax advisor is recommended before proceeding with an investment to ensure you are aware of your financial obligations.

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The first step in applying for Turkish citizenship is to choose the investment option that best suits your financial goals and long-term plans. The available investment routes include:

Real Estate Investment: A minimum of $400,000 in residential or commercial real estate.
Capital Investment: Deposit at least $500,000 in a Turkish bank or purchase government bonds.
Job Creation: Establish a business that employs at least 50 Turkish citizens.
Venture Capital Investment: Invest $500,000 in a Turkish venture capital fund or real estate investment trust (REIT).

Before making the investment, it’s crucial to consult with legal and financial advisors to ensure compliance with Turkish regulations and secure the necessary documentation for the citizenship application

Once you’ve decided on the type of investment, the next step is to complete the investment process. Depending on your choice, you will need to:

  • Purchase real estate and register the property in your name at the land registry.
  • Deposit funds into a Turkish bank or invest in government bonds.
  • Establish a business that meets the job creation requirement.
  • All investments must be certified by a regulatory authority such as the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (for capital investments) or the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (for real estate investments). This certification is essential to demonstrate that your investment meets the Turkish government’s criteria for citizenship.

Time Frame: The time to make the investment varies but typically takes 1 to 3 months, depending on the nature of the investment and the due diligence required.

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Before you can apply for citizenship, you must first obtain a Turkish residence permit. While the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program does not require investors to live in Turkey, the residence permit serves as a formality in the citizenship application process.

To apply for a residence permit, you will need:
  • A valid passport and copies
  • Proof of your investment (e.g., real estate title deeds, bank statements, or business registration)
  • Biometric photographs
  • Health insurance covering the duration of your stay
  • The residence permit application is submitted to the Directorate General of Migration Management, and approval is typically granted within a few weeks.

Time Frame: Residence permit processing generally takes 2 to 4 weeks.

Once your investment is completed and the residence permit has been obtained, you can proceed with submitting your citizenship application. The application can be filed with the Provincial Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality in Turkey or at a Turkish consulate abroad.

The documents required for the citizenship application include:
  • Valid passport and copies
  • Residence permit documents
  • Proof of investment (e.g., real estate title deed, bank receipt, or business records)
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Birth certificates of the applicant and family members
  • Police clearance certificate from your country of residence
  • Biometric photos (recent)
  • Completed citizenship application form
  • All foreign documents must be translated into Turkish, notarized, and apostilled before submission.

Time Frame: The citizenship application takes 3 to 6 months for approval.

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Once all the documentation has been submitted, and the background checks are completed, Turkish authorities will issue a decision on the citizenship application. If the application is approved, you and your family members (spouse and children under 18) will be granted Turkish citizenship. You can then apply for a Turkish passport.

Time Frame: After approval, citizenship certificates are issued within 1 to 2 months, and passports can be obtained soon after.

During the application process, Turkish authorities will conduct a background check on the applicant to verify that the individual does not pose a security threat to the country. Additionally, the authorities will confirm that the source of the investment funds is legal and complies with Turkish financial regulations.

This step typically involves coordination with law enforcement and other government agencies in both Turkey and the applicant’s country of origin.

Time Frame: Background checks usually take 1 to 2 months.

The overall time frame from the initial investment to receiving Turkish citizenship typically ranges from 4 to 8 months. Here’s a summary of each phase:

Choosing and making the investment: 1 to 3 months
Obtaining a residence permit: 2 to 4 weeks
Submitting the citizenship application: 3 to 6 months
Background checks and approval: 1 to 2 months

Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, family members can be included in the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program application. The program allows the primary applicant to extend Turkish citizenship to their immediate family, including their spouse and children under 18 years old, without any additional investment required. All family members included in the application will receive the same rights and privileges as the main applicant. However, children over the age of 18 must apply separately and meet the investment criteria independently if they wish to obtain Turkish citizenship. This makes the program an attractive option for families seeking to secure a second citizenship together.

The Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program does not have any residency requirements for applicants. This means that investors are not required to live in Türkiye either before or after obtaining citizenship. While applicants must first obtain a residence permit as part of the application process, they are free to continue residing in their home country or anywhere else in the world. This flexibility makes the program highly appealing for investors who want the benefits of Turkish citizenship without the need to relocate or establish permanent residence in Türkiye.

To apply for the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program, several key documents are required to ensure a smooth and successful application process. These include a valid passport and its copies, proof of investment such as real estate title deeds or bank receipts, and a residence permit. Applicants must also provide a marriage certificate (if applicable), birth certificates for all family members included in the application, and a police clearance certificate from their country of residence to demonstrate good conduct. Additionally, recent biometric photographs and the completed citizenship application form are required. All foreign documents must be translated into Turkish, notarized, and, in some cases, apostilled before submission.

The process for applying to the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program involves several key steps. First, the applicant selects a qualifying investment option, such as purchasing real estate worth at least $400,000 or making a $500,000 capital investment. Once the investment is completed, the applicant must obtain a residence permit, though there is no requirement to live in Türkiye. After securing the permit, the applicant submits a citizenship application to the Turkish authorities, including all necessary documents, such as proof of investment and personal identification. Turkish authorities then conduct background checks and verify the investment. Upon approval, the applicant, along with their spouse and children under 18, will receive Turkish citizenship. The entire process typically takes 4 to 8 months.

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